Wellbeing, dignity and respect

Home Life


We aim to provide expert, affordable care for all types of requirements. We provide a good individual home life for all our residents and families can be safe in the knowledge that their relative is being cared for with the utmost care and dignity at all times. We offer both short and long term care.

All residents are individually assessed before admission, either at home or in hospital, so that care needs and appropriate nursing care can be delivered. We want all residents to feel at home and confident in their new surroundings.

We work hard to maintain and encourage individuals respect and dignity by providing individualised care plans agreed by care staff, residents and their families.


Medical and Personal Care

Each resident has their own key carer or named nurse, whose initial aim is to get to know as much about each resident as possible. All residents have a personal care plan which includes information to help us achieve the very best of care and the level of support that is needed. This is reviewed each 6 months to ensure that no problems arise with care and they also complete individual risk assessments as and when the need arises.


Northlands have a weekly visit by the local GP and any residents who wish to register with this practice can arrange this through the manager. The GP will call at any time a resident needs assistance. The local pharmacist keeps supplies all required medication. Residents are welcome to keep their own doctor, dentist or optician if they wish. Alternatively we can arrange for each person to be seen by the professionals who visit on a regular basis. There will be a separate fee for those residents not covered by the NHS.

The contribution of families to the day to day life of the home has a wholesome influence and enhances the warm and friendly atmosphere that reflects our place in the community. We are a care home that believes in supporting any significant others where we can, and many of our residents’ family members are great supporters of our work. We have regular meetings with family members and residents to ensure that their opinions and suggestions are listened to and acted upon, and from these meetings it is evident that our efforts are well supported.  

Lifestyle and Pastoral Care

 We encourage and promote the need for residents to continue with hobbies, interests and activities that they participated in prior to moving into Northlands. All residents have their own room and like these to be made as individual as possible. The hairdresser visits each building weekly and a beautician can also visit for those residents wanting a manicure or facial. (Extra charge)

Northlands have a monthly service to which all residents are welcome followed by afternoon tea. Any resident wishing to keep in touch with their local place of worship will be assisted to do so. Along with the resident and family, the key carer will take a life history looking at background, interests, religious and cultural beliefs and activities and interests that each individual enjoys 


We always encourage people to bring in small pieces of their own furniture such as a favourite chair, pictures, ornaments etc. We have a team of excellent housekeepers who look after the cleaning and laundry. There is a dedicated laundry manager on duty each day and all personal clothing is delivered back to each resident on a daily basis at no extra charge. 



Residents are also encouraged to take part in activities that are simply part of everyday living such as baking, looking after their own room, gardening etc, and even a visit from Zoo Lab.

Regular BBQs and outdoor activities are really popular. Gardening club takes place every week- weather permitting We have parties at Christmas, Halloween, Burns suppers to name a few and families are always warmly invited to attend.

Wherever we can we try to encourage people to continue with interests they had before moving in. Particular favourites include singing, seated dance, exercise classes and dominoes.


All meals are all prepared on site by our fully qualified catering team. We try to ensure that meals are kept as varied as possible and there is always a choice provided. We can also cater for a variety of special diets as required. We encourage more able residents to eat main meals together in one of the dining rooms.


Northlands Care Home, Blairgowrie, Perthshire.

Photograph: Mike Wilkinson…08/06/21

Copyright: Mike Wilkinson.

 There are also mid morning drinks, afternoon tea and early evening supper where all residents have the choice of drinks, fruit or home made baking or sandwiches. We will always offer a light selection out with these times. Sometimes residents with dementia can forget that they have eaten and feel like something to eat at different times of the day or night.

 Our self-service areas in the main Dining Rooms in the Manor and the Lodge are open at all times for residents and families to prepare hot drinks and snacks.